Where it is not possible to connect to the mains drainage by gravity a pumping station may be required. We will specify and supply the correct size pumping station for your needs.
Nugent Pump Services Ltd Offer:
- Supply only
- Supply with commissioning to manufacturers specification
- Full installation
- Pumping stations can be installed with single or dual pumps, with manual or fully automated operation and with high level alarm.
- We supply any size from a single domestic house up to large systems specified by the Sewers for Adoption scheme.
Packaged pumping stations are designed for situations where civil work and installation time must be kept to a minimum.
Nugent Pump Services Ltd can provide a range of packaged pumping stations that are pre-fabricated and are available in various sizes, supplied complete with all the necessary equipment for a trouble-free installation.

Precast Concrete Pumping Stations
Nugent Pump Services Ltd offer a wide range of Precast Concrete Pumping Stations for the management of sewage and surface water applications. We offer a range of high quality, reliable submersible pumps suitable for every application such as Vortex type impellers for pumping minor solids, Channel type impellers for pumping high flows or Grinder pumps for pumping raw sewage. The correctly specified pump, combined with our durable precast concrete tanks, pipework and valves and control panel with Hand-Off
Auto facility and high-level alarm.
Nugent Pump Services Ltd are committed to offering customers assistance in the planning application process by providing all documentation necessary to their surveyors and architects including site specific reports, sample service contracts and EN Certs.
Site Visits
Nugent Pump services Ltd are happy to meet with customers on site and offer advice if requested.
The main advantages of a precast concrete pumping station are: Nugent Pump services Ltd will install and commission the system for you.
Strength installation in high water table areas
Cuts the cost of civil works with no concrete backfill required
Reinforced Concrete Tanks
EN Certified.

Nugent Pump Services Ltd
Reliability is what we do

PUMP CHAMBER/ 750 LITRE TANK (basic setup)
Precast Concrete Pumping Stations

Precast Concrete Pumping Stations
Applications for Packaged Pumping Stations
Packaged pumping stations have a wide range of applications from handling domestic effluent for single households, through to large housing developments, industrial units and commercial premises. In fact, they can be used in almost any situation where sewage or surface water needs pumping to a mains connection. As well as standalone installations, packaged pumping station chambers can be used to augment existing arrangements.
Benefits of Packaged Pumping Stations
- Ease and speed of installation
- A choice of specification
- The performance and quality of submersible pumps
- Simple inspection and servicing
- Easily transportable
- Main components pre-installed under factory conditions
- Simple pipe connections on site
The reliable answer to uphill mains connection
High-density polyethylene & GRP pumping stations from Nugent Pump Services Ltd.
We can provide packaged pumping stations that have a triple layered construction and a specially designed self-cleaning base; features which eliminate dead zones in the flow to ensure lasting, reliable, trouble-free operation and greatly reduce life-cycle costs.
Packaged Pumping Station Features
- Medium-density polyethylene construction all tanks are BBA approved.
- Light and compact
- Single or dual pump systems
- Quality powder coating on all cast parts
- Smooth internal walls for maintenance-free operation
- Smooth internal walls, avoids deposit build-up
- All package pumping stations come with automatic controls and high level alarm.
Adoptable Sewage Pumping Stations

Sewers for adoption was first issued in 1980. Since then it has become the standard in England and Wales for the design and construction of sewers to adoptable standards. It is a guide to assist developers in preparing their submission to a sewerage undertaker prior to entering an adoption agreement under section 104 of the Water Industry Act 1991.
The philosophy has not changed over the years, in that developers are expected to work to the same standards as those used by the water companies. Public sewers should be located in highways or public open spaces, and as a general rule, there should be at least 10 houses connected to a system before sewers are adopted.
Adoptable Pumping Station Experience
We have thirty years experience in designing and building pumping stations. During this time we have worked for numerous housing and building developers. There can be a delay whilst the adopting company take over the station, we provide support and after sales service to make sure the station is operating correctly until it is adopted by the water company.
On behalf of the developer, we seek agreement with the water company, to the type of equipment to be used and to the layout of the site before committing it to a drawing. This will include the pumps, pipework and valves, control system and station telemetry.
Complete Build Service
We do undertake the civil build of the pumping station. We use a highly reputable civil engineering company to do the work. We supervise and inspect each part of the build to make sure it meets the requirements.
Mechanical and Electrical Installation
Commissioning & Documentation

Our commissioning engineers carry out all the checks and tests to make sure the station complies with the requirements of the specification. In some cases, this is done by using the water company’s own content.
Contact us
By Telephone or Email, our team will respond quickly and efficiently to meet your needs.